#RealDeal: What Is Relationship Jumping and What Does It Mean?

Talk Nerdy To Me®’s @staffwriter 

What is relationship jumping and what does it mean?

Relationship jumping is when someone jumps from one relationship to another without any space of singleness in between.

Relationship jumping is also called relationship hopping.

What Are the Pros of Relationship Jumping?

If you are jumping from one relationship to another, there might not be any pros because it really depends on your perspective. Relationship hopping might only seem like a good idea in theory or when someone is afraid to commit. There are some people who do jump from one relationship to the next just looking for something better.

Relationships take work and can be hard, so if all of that effort seems too much for them they may decide jumping into another relationship is easier than staying in an existing one that has problems. Other times people jump into new relationships because they think their present relationship isn’t working out well or isn’t as “perfect” as they thought it would be.

What Are the Cons of Relationship Jumping?

Some of the cons to relationship hopping is that you may still be connected to your past relationships. If this is the case, then it might not be healthy for the new relationship you are getting into because they may feel left out or like you don’t want to invest much in them. When we jump from one relationship to another, we also often leave a trail of broken hearts and feelings behind us.

Another thing to consider is that sometimes people who jump from one relationship to another make their friends and family feel like they aren’t trusted or respected. They think that if these friends could love them well enough, then why couldn’t those exes? It’s as if those exes didn’t try hard enough and these friends will do better.

Lastly, if you jump from one relationship to another without any space in between, you may not be able to learn and grow as a person. You might feel like nothing sticks and that something is wrong with you or your partner—but really it’s just because you jump around too much.

What To Do If I Am Relationship Jumping?

If you are relationship jumping, then take some time by yourself.

Once this time of singleness has passed and whatever problem was happening before has been resolved, try dating again. This time make sure to really invest your heart and mind into the new person rather than looking for problems or bad qualities.

Aim to wait three to six months between your next relationship.

Use this time to work on yourself and try to understand why you have been jumping from one relationship to another. You may just need a little time for yourself, or it might be that you are afraid of commitment.

Don’t give up on love—just learn to love yourself first.

How To Stop Yourself from Relationship Jumping?

If you want to stop relationship jumping, then make sure you take some time to reflect on why you feel the need to never be single. You’ll probably ferret out some mental and emotional reasons.

Work on resolving those issues before dating again.

Also, remember that there are good things about your past relationships. Those people taught you something or gave you experiences that were meaningful and impactful. Give them their due respect instead of discrediting all of their talents and hard work simply because they didn’t work out in the end.  

Above all else, don’t hurt others if they love and trust you so much as to join your life.

The key is to resolve old wounds and prevent yourself from unintentionally creating new ones in new relationships. This will probably take time, patience, and a lot of self-work. But if you commit to the journey, then you’ll surely get to where you want to be eventually.

Reasons People Jump from One Relationship to Another:

There are many reasons men and women engage in serial relationships. In this section, we’ll look at some of the most common reasons. By reading the reasons, you may gain some insight into your own “froggy” behavior.

They Don’t Like Conflict

Some people are conflict-avoidant. They want to stay away from any disagreement or argument with potential partners. When a conflict arises, they will try to escape the relationship rather than work out the problem. Sometimes these types of people have gone through so much pain in their lives that they can’t stand feeling hurt again – even for a little while – and jumping into another relationship is the solution to end the uncomfortable feelings.

Others jump because they are trying to find someone better who doesn’t fight with them constantly or make them feel bad about themselves.

They Are Addicted to the Honeymoon Phase

Some people want to feel infatuated and excited, so they grab onto the first person who gives them those feelings and hold on for dear life. They don’t realize that this honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever, and it usually comes crashing down – taking the actual relationship with it.

They Are Too Busy for a Relationship

Some people avoid relationships because they are focused on other things in their lives, such as work or education. Education is important—it can provide better opportunities for an individual. But along the way, some people lose sight of what’s really important – having genuine human connections with others.

Their Fear Ruins Their Relationships

When someone has intimacy issues due to past trauma or family dysfunction, he or she may be afraid of being in a relationship. Instead of facing that fear, they jump into new relationships hoping to avoid the problem. But it doesn’t work like this – confronting your fears makes them smaller and smaller until they no longer seem terrifying. This is called “progressive desensitization.”

They Only Want Sex

Some people only want physical intimacy without having to deal with an actual relationship. They find someone who believes in immediate gratification, and they move on when enough is enough. Others may be afraid of establishing emotional intimacy after experiencing relational trauma earlier in life. They believe that moving towards real love will lead to pain and hurt, so they stick only to the shallow end where there are no deep feelings involved.


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