#RealDeal: What Body Language Do Guys Find Attractive?

Talk Nerdy To Me’s @StaffWriter:

Although verbal communication is important, the way you use your body can say a lot about how you feel. When it comes to attraction, body language is key. Here are 10 types of body language that guys find attractive.

Making Eye Contact

Eye contact is one of the most important forms of nonverbal communication. It can convey confidence, interest, and even attraction.

When it comes to attraction, eye contact is very important for guys. Studies have shown that guys are more likely to approach a someone if they makes eye contact with them first. This is because eye contact conveys interest and openness.

When a person avoids eye contact, it signals to a guy that they are not interested in him. Additionally, eye contact allows people to gauge each other's interests and desires.

Mutual eye contact can create a strong connection between two people, which can be very attractive.

Smiling … only not when guys tell you “smile you’ll look prettier.” (Jen: I’ve never actually hit a guy for saying it … but there’s a first for everything.)

A smile can be a powerful tool of seduction. There are a number of theories as to why this is the case.

One possibility is that smiling makes someone appear more approachable and easy-going. Another possibility is that smiling triggers positive associations in the brain, such as feelings of happiness and warmth. Whatever the reason, there's no doubt that guys find people who smile more attractive.

Keeping an Open Posture

Guys are attracted to open body language because it indicates that the person is confident, friendly, and approachable.

When someone is closed off, with their arms crossed or their body turned away, it sends the message that they're not interested in interacting. On the other hand, open body language shows that the person is ready and willing to engage. It's a sign of confidence, which is always attractive. Additionally, open body language makes it easy for guys to approach someone and start a conversation.

After all, there's nothing worse than trying to talk to someone who clearly doesn't want to be bothered.

Leaning in Slightly

When it comes to body language, there are a few universal signals that guys find irresistible. One of these is when the person leans in slightly. This indicates that they are interested in what he has to say and wants to get closer to him. It's a subtle way of flirting that can be very effective.

Another reason why guys are attracted to someone who leans in is that it makes them feel more powerful and important. When a guy has someone’s full attention, it makes him feel like he's the only one in the room.

Finally, leaning in also conveys a sense of trust. When someone opens up her personal space to someone, it shows that they feel comfortable with them and is willing to let him into their life. All these factors combine to create an incredibly powerful attractant for guys.

Touching Briefly

Touching is a powerful form of flirting. A light touch on the arm or shoulder can be an effective way to let someone know you're interested in them.

Men are particularly vulnerable to the power of touch. Touching releases oxytocin, a hormone that's been linked with feelings of love and attachment. Even if a guy doesn't consciously register a someone’s touch, it could still have a subconscious impact on his level of attraction.

Playing with Your Hair

One of the most common body language cues that someone can use to signal interest is playing with their hair. And there's a good reason why this gesture is so attractive to men. For one thing, it's a very suggestive gesture.

Additionally, hair is also associated with youth and beauty. By playing with their hair, someone can subconsciously highlight these qualities. Finally, playing with one's hair is also a way of flirting.

It's a subtle way of saying "I'm interested in you" without actually saying it out loud.

Stealing Glances

Guys are attracted to people who steal glances at them because it is a sign of interest. When someone is interested in you, they will often try to catch your eye. This is because they want to establish contact and see if there is mutual interest.

By stealing glances, girls are sending a clear signal that they are interested in the guy. This can be extremely flattering and can often lead to further interaction.

In addition, someone who steal glances tend to be more mysterious.

They are not openly flirting or giving out their attention to anyone else. This makes them more attractive as they appear to be more selective with who they give their time. As a result, guys are often drawn to girls who steal glances as they appear to be more challenging and mysterious.

Licking Your Lips

Guys are attracted to people who lick their lips.

It's a way of drawing attention to the mouth, which is considered a highly erotic body part. Licking the lips also subconsciously sends the message that the person is stimulated or aroused, which can be a turn-on for guys. Additionally, licking the lips can be a way of flirting or sending a signal that the person is interested in kissing.

Many guys find it genuinely sexy when they see someone lick their lips, especially if they do it in a suggestive or provocative manner.

Glancing Down Slightly

When someone lowers their gaze, it indicates that they are interested and wants to get to know the guy they are looking at. By contrast, staring directly at someone usually comes across as aggressive or confrontational. By lowering their gaze, they are sending a non-verbal signal that she is open to communication and approachable.

They’re also demonstrating vulnerability and submissiveness—two qualities that men find almost irresistible.

Therefore, this is body language that guys find attractive.

Mirroring His Body Language

Guys are attracted to people who mirror their body language.

It makes them feel like the leader of the interaction. This is especially important when it comes to initial interactions, as guys often take on the role of pursuer. By mirroring his body language, you let him know that you are following his lead.

This doesn't mean mimicking every slight nod and twitch.

It also doesn't mean to sit spread eagle or behave with hyper-masculine energy. Instead, it's about finding a balance between being receptive and independent. When you can do this, it creates an unspoken rapport that is very attractive to guys.


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