#Fact: Jamie Lee Curtis won an Oscar on Sunday and showed up to her bestie Sharon Stone’s art show on Tuesday

My mind is blown.

I was already a HUGE fan of Jamie Lee Curtis … now?

No words.

Just look at the love between the two of them!!!!!

She JUST won the Oscar on Sunday, spent (I’m assuming) ALL DAY doing press on Monday for it, and then on Tuesday night (aka yesterday), she showed up to support her friend – making it about her and her night.

If there were EVER a time to make something about you, you’d think it would be … I don’t know … at least a week AFTER.YOU.HAVE.WON.AN.OSCAR.

This hasn’t even been written about.

I know because I searched …

I’m SO proud to be a woman orbiting around these women right now.

Maestro …

Yesterday, I met up with my long time friend and one of the stars of the very viral Fyre Festival documentary on Netflix, MDavid.

We’ve known each other for over a decade on the twitter, and became IRL friends a few years back. He’s very genuine and really really talented. I’m a huge huge fan.

I talked for the first half of the meeting telling him all about my discoveries in not only being neurodivergent, but also having synesthesia.

Technically I have Autism, ADHD, Synesthesia (both projective and associative – although I am 75% or more projective), Hyperlexia, Dyslexia, Prospogania (aka facial blindness), and regularly experience Echolia (which is part of being autistic, but it happens so frequently to me that it deserves its own “label”).

“That’s how far I’ve gotten 13 months in,” I admitted.

I then explained how frustrating the process has been.

I spent 37 years telling doctors over and over and over that something is “off,” and I wasn’t listened to.

::whispers:: FYI, the term for that is medical sexism and medical gaslighting.

I then pulled up the deck I designed, which includes all of the prescriptions I was wrongfully prescribed.

I was on 6/7 at the same time … INCORRECTLY.

I’m really proud of the branding and plan on adjusting my personal branding to reflect it as well.

I know exactly how to create a content marketing strategy around everything I am doing, yet the more I learn about what EXACTLY I have, the more it makes me cry.

::wow I’m tearing up writing this.::

I kept shouting and shouting … I spent tens of thousands of dollars in therapy and I don’t even know how much on medical bills.

I know the Echo and series of tests they ran for my heart was somewhere around 30K and the MRI I got at a super shady place off of Vermont and Santa Monica Blvd was $600.

The pain runs SO deep, and I know I am now on the other side of it, but it still doesn’t mean the “getting through it” hurt any less.

MDavid listened attentively and lovingly as I then turned the tables and asked how he felt about Billy being in the news again.

He’s literally branded a Fraudster on the google …

“It’s a funny story actually, at my new company, I got pulled aside by the vendor who was vetting us specifically because they wanted to know my involvement.

I said I’m the Fyre Festival Whistleblower.”

“GENIUS!!!” I said, immediately respecting the branding.

“You HAVE To run with that, and you HAVE to talk to some outlets just for your own SEO and digital narrative.”

I then thought about the positioning in terms of storytelling.

“You have JA Rule, the fraudster, and the guy who was ready to suck dick just to get water into the Bahamas. Of course and thank goodness you get to be the good guy out of that bunch of bananas.”

We then cemented our IRL friendship with a photo (to be posted digitally) …

As we bid each other adieu, I asked if he wanted to come to Sharon Stone’s art event later.

As Sharon’s soon to be new bestie, I make sure quality people know quality people.

He laughed as I said STILL in shock that she told me she was reincarnated after her stroke.


“Unfortunately, I have an event that I’m speaking at, but let’s just keep touching base and see if we can meet up.”

A few hours later, I got ready for the event.

I like/ need to get to places early to “get the tone” of the crowd.

With synesthesia I see auras and hear vibrational energy and tones from people … so crowds let’s just say are not my good friend.

Here are some animations that give you a gist of what it is like:

Traffic was lighter than we expected so with a half hour to spare, Jeff and I popped into the place with a cocktail sign DIRECTLY across the street from Sharon’s event.

We both immediately recognized it as the place where Jeff and I reconnected (before we fell in love).

See, we had been set up on a date in April of 2018, and we both had the same report card – great person not my person.

From my perspective, HE BROUGHT ME CARNATIONS?!!?!?! I’m from Connecticut, and flower etiquette is a thing and only children and dead people should EVER get carnations.

I then wanted to go to Burning Man with our mutual friend who set us up, and part of that is being in an RV with someone for 10 days.

It’s another level of intimacy, and she had to make sure we could both handle it.

Jeff kicked my ass in foosball before offering to buy me a drink.

I remember this next part so vividly …

“The whole date thing, are we cool about it?”

I laughed and explained to him that I was a wing woman for Neil Strauss.

“I will get you laid at Burning Man,” I said with confidence.

Well, as it turns out, he did get laid at Burning man, and the rest is our history.

Here is a dramatic reenactment from that exact moment:

Sadly, the foosball tables broke so much they ended up getting rid of them.

We took a moment to remember how much we love each other, and how much our wedding photos look like a movie still.

There is SO MUCH HAPPENING in this photo.

A glass of rose later, we moseyed on into the gallery … LITERALLY ACROSS THE STREET.

I realized pretty quickly that I was “made” for the LA art scene.

When in crowds I have to ground myself, and to do that I ignore people and notice items around me calling them out in my head.

With Sharon’s art everywhere, it was really easy to do, and because everyone wanted to be “seen” no one seemed to care that I was in my own world.

I then stood towards the back staring at one of Sharon’s pieces as a gentleman approached me.

“I like the ears,” he said.

I thanked him as I introduced myself.

He then opened his mouth, casually took out a piece of gum and then handed it to the woman that I didn’t realize was standing behind me.

“Wow,” I said, “you must do that often.”

“Yes,” he said laughing, “this is my gallery.”

“Well, you did a really really great job,” I said honestly.

He then gave me his card as he said “I like you.”

I grabbed it with two hands as a sign of respect and said thanks.

Not just for the card but for the fact that I like me too.

At 7:02, I walked over to the back to grab a drink.

As I approached the only two or three people in line, Sharon walked through the door DIRECTLY where I was (there was a back entrance).

AND not only Sharon, but JAMIE.LEE.CURTIS. fresh off her Oscar win that I was SCRREEAMMIIINNGGG my face off at the top of my lungs for on Sunday.

Jeff texted at that exact moment, and I texted back IN SHOCK at who was standing DIRECTLY in front of me.

Trigger finger ready … I captured these …

SHEER adoration and love was felt in that moment.

I was EXTREMELY honored to have been standing there to witness it.

On cloud ninety nine, I then found Jeff as he introduced me to a long time friend of his.

I immediately liked both her and her friend she was with.

She works for the French Consulate, and I’m still not unconvinced her friend wasn’t some form of security guard.

I kept saying how authoritative his energy was.

This is coming from someone who wears a blue ball gown at Target and STILL gets asked where things are.

OBVIOUSLY with having a photographic memory, I 9/10 give them the correct information.

We then finished up our drinks as I went back to the bar to get another round.

As I did, I bumped into the CEO of the Art of Elysium Jennifer Howell.

Huge huge HUUGGEE Art of Elysium fan, so OF COURSE I was standing there RIGHT AS Jennifer walked in the door.

Technically, I’m not only a fan, Jeff also successfully co-produced an event for them last month. #wifelife #coolkidsclub #goodpeopledoingallthegoods

We embraced as she admitted she felt underdressed.

“No worries,” I said offering her some of the champagne I had initially gotten for my husband.

“This isn’t a jacket, it’s a cape. And they were ALL the rage at the Oscars on Sunday.

Here, put this on” … which to my delight, she did.

I can’t begin to tell you HOW MANY TIMES I have offered something I am wearing to someone and only on one hand can I count the times people have!!! I come prepared, people!!! Fun will be had at all times by all parties.

Jennifer then commented on how overwhelmed she felt with all the people.

“You’re in luck,” I said with another trick up my cape-ed sleeve.

There’s a hood in the back.

It will help you sensory wise.

Jeff laughed as Jennifer ventured around to look at the art … now ever so fashionably if I do say so myself!!!

“Did you just gift Jennifer your cape?” he asked.

“Well, it was gifted to me, so if she wants to keep it I’m not going to say no.”

The owner of the art gallery, Eric then walked by and said “this is the third time I bumped into you, this is not a coincidence.”

If there’s one thing I know for sure, coincidences are not accidents but signals from the universe which can guide us towards our destiny.

I know that to be true because I saw it once on a meme.

I have NO idea what all of this is “guiding” me to but as long as it includes women like Jamie Lee and Sharon, I think I’ll be a-ok.

Oh and the carnations I gave Jeff shit for bringing me on our first date?

My soul apparently knew something my heart and head had yet to figure out.

I dried them out and kept them AND they were part of my wedding bouquet.

Now they are dried together on our dining room table.

Dreams come true … tell your friends.


#GoneViral: This is what auras look like from someone with projective synesthesia


#GoneViral: Still going viral 10 days later