#GoneViral: Still going viral 10 days later

A hoi hoi nerderinos,

Talk Nerdy To Me™ is still going viral!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEN DAYS LATER!!!!

First we went viral on the Gram, then on Facebook. I hit the algorithm so “dead” on, the virality lasted 45 minutes. It was unbelievable and I have all the screenshots for full transparency.

I’ll explain what it means to go viral in a later post (the Gram version changed my own definition).

That’s ten days deep of responding and asking questions of other fellow synesthetes.

(I viewed it as “more proper” to follow back and ask if they too have synesthesia vs. posting more content immediately!! This is valuable research at my instagrammable fingertips on a topic that is like describing a color to someone. It’s really really hard to do as people’s realities of it are different. By doing it this way, I can learn more and hone in more of my own messaging making it more inclusive for fellow synesthetes.)

While I don’t listen to the yays and nays of what’s “still cool in social media,” I can say that my first reel on Facebook went viral and now has over 375,000 views (and is still climbing).

Here is the post that describes how I got diagnosed with synesthesia.

Please understand, I am NOT interested in figuring out who the man is in the surveillance footage. It’s not about me being stalked/ harassed, I KNOW that happened. (You can read that post here.)

This is about HOW I got diagnosed.

Not WHY someone would do this or who they are.

I was tossed was a blessing in the form of trauma being my teacher.

I now understand SO MUCH about how I process things and experience life.

It is very, very different than other people, (I had NO idea … I mean I knew I was weird I just had no idea said “weirdness” was a medical diagnosis) and this is my celebrating that!!!

Now that I can visually display how I process vibrations (as shown below):

I’d also like to provide some additional vibrational entertainment in the form of Marky Mark …

💓💓💓 Soooo much love and SOO proud to type …


#Fact: Jamie Lee Curtis won an Oscar on Sunday and showed up to her bestie Sharon Stone’s art show on Tuesday


#GoneViral: How I used Synesthesia to spot a stalker (full story)