#Question: What Are Karmic Relationships?

Talk Nerdy To Me’s @StaffWriter:

A karmic relationship is an ongoing connection between two people that extends beyond the lifetime of each individual. The complementary actions, lessons, and needs of both parties have been brought together in this lifetime for resolution.

The Purpose of Karmic Relationships

The purpose of a karmic relationship is to provide opportunities for healing old wounds so that the lessons or desires of each person can be fulfilled or released. However, many people enter into such partnerships without understanding their true nature and therefore fail to achieve the objective.

For example: You may meet someone who seems to need you very much; perhaps your partner becomes dependent upon you emotionally and financially as if he or she were a child. On the other hand, you might find yourself becoming overly responsible and protective because you feel needed. When you attempt to pursue your own agenda or needs, your partner may rebel and do something destructive such as becoming promiscuous, abusing drugs or alcohol, losing his/her temper out of control, or spending money foolishly.

The reasons for these patterns are complex and deep-rooted.

These relationships can be the source of great joy and inspiration as well as enormous pain and sorrow because they reflect both past life karma and current beliefs that must be resolved before either party will be free to grow into their true potential.

Such connections provide opportunities to learn about yourself through another person's behavior and to see the world and others in a different way.

How Both Partners Benefit from Karmic Relationships

Both partners can benefit from these relationships by spending time together learning about the past life origins of their behaviors; working through present life issues; and releasing or resolving past life vows, desires, or actions.

The relationship is an opportunity for each partner to see him/herself and the other person more clearly without judgment and with compassion.

When both people realize that they brought this relationship into their lives for spiritual growth, then true intimacy becomes possible — even though there may still be challenges.

Why You Must Love Yourself First

It is necessary to love yourself before you can truly experience and love another person in a meaningful and fulfilling way. Focusing on another's faults only distracts you from your own.

You must be your own best friend and love yourself to give another person the time they need to heal, grow, and mature so that you both may benefit from the relationship. 

Do not allow problems or struggles in this relationship to prevent you or deter you from fulfilling your spiritual destiny. Both of you came together for spiritual reasons, not just emotional ones.

Many times, people encounter each other in relationships because each partner has something the other is lacking; then when that lack is filled by the other person, they no longer feel connected. Such attractions are often based on past life needs rather than current connections.     

The purpose of most relationships is very simple - learning about yourself through another person's behavior and seeing the world and others in a different way.

To achieve this, take some time to understand your own beliefs and behaviors and why you may be attracted to or repelled by certain types of people or relationships. If something does not feel right about the person you have met, it usually indicates that there is something wrong with what you are doing rather than with them.

In other words, if you change nothing but still feel nothing positive for them after a while, then it is time to move on even though that may be difficult.   

Unconditional love starts with self-love - loving yourself just the way you are without covering up any imperfections.

What Are the Signs of a Karmic Relationship?

Look out for common signs of a potential karmic relationship. If you are thinking about someone continually, if thoughts of that person lead to intense fantasies or become an obsessive preoccupation, it is most likely one of your past life connections.   

If you have had strong feelings for another person without being able to pinpoint why, if your connection feels familiar and comfortable even though the other person is not what you would normally be attracted to for any number of reasons, or if your relationship with this person runs hot and cold despite no obvious external reason for the feverish highs and freezing lows - these all indicate a karmic bond.

The following are also common signs that two people are meant to be together in this lifetime:

  • You can't find anyone else who makes you feel as intensely alive as this person does, who causes you to have so much passion and appreciation for life, or who excites your creativity as much.

  • If the two of you have a lot in common including interests, similar beliefs or backgrounds - especially if one or both of you share memories from other lifetimes that others can't understand.

  • You feel extremely comfortable together and with the relationship even though there is nothing about it that makes sense on a rational level. For example, you may find yourself gravitating towards each other despite beliefs such as "I am not attracted to redheads" or having an instant dislike for someone because they remind you of a toxic family member from another lifetime.

How to Deal with Karmic Relationships: The Basics   

If you have met someone who feels like a soulmate but there are also signs of a karmic bond between the two of you, don't worry. You do not need to feel guilty about feeling happy or excited when this person enters your life. Even if they come at an inconvenient time for you, just know that nothing happens by chance, and it is part of your spiritual journey.

Don't immediately try and figure out how the two of you fit together in previous lifetimes or why this one was chosen while others were missed. Just be grateful that you've found each other again.

Instead, use the experience as an opportunity to learn more about yourself through their behavior and actions. Gratefulness and self-awareness will foster mutual growth and help you determine what you want in your life.

Remember that everything in your life is meant to guide you to where you are supposed to be right now.


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