How To Move on From a Relationship

Talk Nerdy To Me’s @StaffWriter:

I know it's hard to think about anything other than your recent break-up. But with the right guidance, you'll be able to get over him or her in no time. Trust me on this one—I've been there myself, more than once. ;)

I want to help you find a way through these tough times and teach you how to start living again.

So, let's make some plans for getting back out there.

How To Move on From a Relationship When You’re in Love

If you are still in love with your ex, there is no easy and quick way to get over them right now. Before you read any further, ask yourself if the time apart will help you feel better about moving on or if it will make things worse.

Forgive them for whatever he did that made you end the relationship.

They may have had good reasons, but they don't matter at this point. What does matter is that forgiving can open up your heart to new possibilities so you can start loving again.

Forgiveness doesn't mean that your ex did nothing wrong. They may not deserve your forgiveness.

However, forgiving your ex will help free you from your feelings.

Along with forgiveness, you may want to work on self-love and self-acceptance. These can help you find your new love as well as love the person you are right now, without anyone's influence or approval.

How To Get Over Someone You Slept With

Sometimes, the hardest part of a breakup is knowing how to get over someone you slept with. It's impossible not to feel used and violated when you think about the entire situation.

It takes time before you can understand that what happened was out of your control. Afterward, they may have agreed to continue seeing you, which makes it harder for you to walk away from someone you might be interested in dating.

Therefore, your feelings are probably going to be complicated and confusing no matter how much emotional distance you put between yourself and the other person right now.

Physical intimacy can mess with our brains and hearts.

Sometimes, it's impossible to flip a switch and sever that connection. Instead, you probably want to avoid seeing the person, deal with your feelings, and focus on self-care.

It may take a few weeks or months of absence before you can begin to feel at ease.

How To Move on From a Relationship Without Closure

One of the hardest relationships to get over is one that ends without proper closure. Maybe the other person ghosted you or the two of you drifted apart without any direct communication.

No matter why it happened, no getting closure can throw you off track if you find yourself thinking about that person a lot.

It's going to take time before you're ready to move on because it feels like a gaping wound in your heart and life but moving on is essential for your health and well-being.

You must acknowledge the difficult feelings of longing for closure so that you can finally heal from this relationship.

Give yourself permission to feel sad or angry or frustrated but don't let those emotions rule your actions.

With patience and determination, here are some tips for how to move on from a relationship without closure:

  1. Give yourself time to feel the emotions you need to feel. Because if you bottle up your feelings, they will explode at some point. Crying and getting angry are both completely acceptable.

  2. Understand what happened with your ex. What were their reasons for leaving or avoiding you? What did they think about your relationship? Were there warning signs that might have allowed you to see things coming if only you weren't so blinded by love (or lust)?

  3. Don't beat yourself up. The lack of closure happened for a reason. It's not your fault, but now is the time to look back and learn from your mistakes rather than focusing on how much it hurts right now.

If you follow these tips, you can give closure to yourself.

How To Move on From a Relationship That Never Happened

It's surprisingly easy to get stuck in the idea of a relationship and let it color your day-to-day activities and life. It doesn't seem like such a big deal at first, but over time, you become defined by this thing that never happened.

Instead of thinking about what was or might have been, think about how much time you're spending obsessing over this relationship.

A relationship isn't real until the two of you are together.

It doesn't matter what went on in your head or how close you were to being something more serious or official with them.

Endless daydreaming won't make a relationship real.

To get over a relationship that never happened, admit that the relationship is not and will not happen. Allow yourself to feel the loss of the dream.

Give yourself time to recover from your heartbreak but learn how to let go.

Whether it's pride, insecurity, or fear of commitment that has you stuck on the idea of what could have been, remember that this relationship is a fantasy.

Occupy your thoughts and time with other things.

Follow your passions, spend time with your friends, and focus on establishing a real relationship with someone new.


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