#NerdsUnite: Learning to Let Life Happen

<editorsnote> Nerds, meet by buddy Jeff. We met on twitter a little while back, and then over Christmas I helped him revamp his OKC profile. He's now here to talk to you about his life outside of the programming world. I only have one more thing left to say ... HIT IT JEFF!!! </editorsnote>

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @Jtwebman

So last nightly I had an out of body experiences. Jen took a picture of herself and posted on Facebook saying, “On my way to a charity event then a date in South Beach with bachelor number two! Yay life!!!” Just a week ago she had her phone and debit card taken and her bank account drained. And still went to Miami anyways. So, now she was going again, but because she went the first time. For one, I more than likely would have not gone that weekend and she just jumped on the plane assuming everything was going to be ok and it was. As it sounds, she had this wonderful weekend. Which in my crazy introvert world was crazy enough to knock me out of my little world and look in.

After thinking for a bit I thought, “Wow, how does she just let life happen?” So I made a comment:


Her first comment was mind blowing. At first I wanted to deny it. Is it really that easy? Just say “Yes” to everything? Those childhood/introverted sayings came up like what if someone invites me to jump of a bridge. Then I think, “So what? It might actually be fun.” Or, “What if I can’t do it or fail or it isn’t fun?” I counter those with, “How will I know if I don’t try?” Now I think if you promised someone something you should do that, but with basic needs met and promises kept it really does make sense. So I said, “Deal, starting it now.”

Then she gives me an assignment to go outside and walk around my neighborhood and see what inspires me and follow the trail. Now I was in the middle of working so I wasn’t able to do it right away but after I wrapped up my deployment (pushing websites from staging/testing to production) I walk outside.

I stood at the corner thinking “Which way should I go?” See, I almost never just get out without a plan. I always get out with a place in mind. So I have to say I was a little lost but one thing I like about myself is I am good at making decisions and going for it. I can make adjustments later if need be. So I thought, “Well, I have never really walked up Overland so let’s do that.” I have driven up there many times but driving means you miss so much.

As I was walking up I didn’t see much just a bunch of apartments for a few blocks but as I got closer to Culver Blvd I saw a few places. Across the street I saw two little coffee shops. One I had seen but the other I had never noticed because it was small and squished between two buildings. It was also packed and the other one was almost empty yet both were open which I thought, “How interesting.” I kept walking though as I wanted to see what was up farther.

Further down there was a chilly place which was packed as well but for the most part there wasn’t much else besides this awesome water fountain at Overland and Culver Blvd. So I played tourist in my own back yard and took a picture.


After that I walked down the other side to check out the little busy coffee shop. It wasn’t as busy when I got back down there but there still were about 20 people in there and the place maybe fits 30 people. At first I almost didn’t go in. My gut was saying, too many people you don’t know, don’t go in but I instead flip around and went in. I am glad I did. Once I found out they have free wifi and it was a little better than even my home internet. I also found that all their drinks are at least a $1 less than Starbucks. Double win!

Also I have been trying to get out of my comfort zone and saying Hi to strangers over the last month in an effort to meet new people in LA. It’s been the hardest part about moving out to LA. I knew only one other person in the LA area when I moved out here and that is it. I knew Jen as well but only over the internet. I am not sure what has happen to me in the last 7 or so years but it’s like I forgot how to meet new people and make friends. I had become a hermit but no more. I don’t like being so introverted that I do nothing out besides a movie all week and grocery shopping.

I know it doesn’t seem like much especially since I only went into a coffee shop but for me it was huge. It reminded me that everything we do in life is our choice and if you want to change you only have to keep making that choice to do so.

Thanks Jen for helping me break out and grow a little more. I know it’s been months since I have written a lifecasting style post but I am so glad you pushed me. Here is my homework assignment, what is next Ms. Friel?


click here to follow Jeff on twitter!


#NerdsUnite: Confessions of a videogame journalist


#NerdsUnite: Miami ... night two (this town is FREAKING NUTS!!)