12 Signs That Online Dating Is *Actually* Serious

Talk Nerdy To Me®’s @staffwriter 

When you’re online dating, it’s sometimes hard to know if the other person is using you for attention, ego kicks, or something more serious. The good news is that there are 12 signs that your online dating is getting serious.

Let’s take a look at these 12 Signs That Online Dating Is *Actually* Serious:

1)  You’re Staying on Top of Your Game

Just like you wouldn’t go to work wearing your pajamas, don’t let your game slip when you start dating. This means that you need to keep up with brushing off the gray matter between your ears, showering daily, and dressing well. You should also maintain an active social life outside of online dating sites so that if everything starts to fizzle out with another person, there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

If you’re naturally doing all of these things, the online relationship is probably more than just an online fling.

2) Texting Is More than Just Small Talk

When people start dating, it’s common for them to play phone tag or text each other about nothing at all just because they enjoy connecting. If your texting has moved beyond basic small talk, then you’re probably into “more serious” territory with your online boo.

For example, if you’re sharing stories from your past, personal “secrets,” and your feelings about important subjects. These are good signs that your online dating is getting serious.

3) You’ve Discussed Future Plans

This can include everything from seeing a concert together to traveling abroad to buying a house together. Of course, there is no guarantee that these activities will happen once you put them out into the universe (or onto your online dating profile), but they are certain signs of an evolving relationship.

4) You’re Spending More Time Together (Online)

If you’re going to spend time with someone and take the extra step to talk and text, chances are pretty good that you like them. The more time you spend together online, the more likely that the relationship is serious.

You usually don’t spend four hours video-chatting someone every night if you’re not into them.

5) You Are Using Emojis…A Lot!

One way to show how much you like someone else is to use emojis. These fun little pictures are popping up all over the place – even on Facebook. They convey emotions without using actual words or phrases that can be misinterpreted because they don’t always translate well into written language. So, the more emojis that you’re using, the better those feelings probably are.

6) You Both Want To Meet in Person

Some people will say that this isn’t a sure sign of an online relationship getting serious. But, it’s a good indication of shared feelings.

After all, you’re not going to bother getting together if you don’t like the person. So, if both of you want to meet in person, then it’s likely that online dating is becoming more serious.

7) You Were Serious from the Start

Some people start out knowing that they are looking for something long-term and will inform their date early on about what they are looking for. If this was your approach (and you were straight with them), then it’s probably safe to assume that your online relationship is serious. After all, if everything started “properly,” then the other person likely has similar feelings as well.

8) You Accept Each Other

Even if you do like the person and want to continue dating them, if you can’t accept their differences then online dating is probably not getting serious. This means that you’re likely open-minded and accepting enough of their unique way of life for this relationship to progress.

9) You’re Touching

No, we’re not talking about physically touching your computer screen. If you want to touch someone (not an online keyboard), then this might be a sign that your online dating is getting serious. Of course, it depends on how they feel as well…

It’s only natural for two people who are attracted to each other to want to touch.

Touching (emotionally and physically) is an age-old desire. When you tap into this desire, you create something more serious.

10) You’ve Introduced Them to Your Friends/Family

If you can’t introduce them as your new significant other because the world doesn’t know who they are, then you’re not ready to be in a serious relationship. On the other hand,

11) You’re Getting More Serious Every Day

When you truly like someone, you want to spend as much time with them as possible. If you’re getting closer and closer every day, this is a good sign that your online dating is becoming more serious.

Healthy, serious relationships tend to grow toward closeness, intimacy, and deeper connection.

12) You’ve Made Specific and Concrete Plans To Meet

This point ties in perfectly with #6 (You Both Want To Meet). If you’re already planning to meet, then it’s pretty certain that your online dating is getting serious. Specific plans mean that you have set a time, date, and location.

The more concrete (and less vague) the better.

Vague details feel loose. Loose plans can change. Specific details are more serious, and they create a sense of commitment.

Bonus Sign: You Find Each Other’s Quirks Charming Not Annoying

Finding the other’s quirks charming is a good sign because it means you are no longer getting annoyed by them.

That’s because people who are in love get used to each other’s little idiosyncrasies and don’t care about them anymore. They even start finding these things endearing or attractive, which is why couples often find themselves doing the same thing at the same time.

For example, if the other person finds your tendency to make impulsive decisions charming instead of annoying, then they accept you.

Final Thoughts: Signs That Online Dating Is Getting Serious

The most important thing to keep in mind is: While some of these signs can indicate a serious relationship, they don’t always.

While most people want their relationships to become more serious and last, your feelings may change. Either way, remember that it’s important to be honest with yourself and the other person(s) involved in your online dating romance.


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