#TruthBomb: What are manipulators in body language?

Talk Nerdy To Me’s @StaffWriter:

In body language, manipulators are fidgety body movements that often betray hidden feelings of nervousness.

In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about manipulators in body language.

What Are Manipulators in Body Language? (List)

Here is your master list of manipulators in body language:

  • Tapping fingers

  • Tapping feet

  • Playing with hair or jewelry

  • Twiddling thumbs

  • Picking at skin

  • Picking at nails

  • Chewing on objects

  • Clenching fists

  • Squirming in seat

  • Bouncing legs or whole body

  • Shifting weight from one foot to the other

  • Tilting head back and forth

  • Doodling when supposed to be listening or working on something else

  • Organizing materials obsessively

  • Holding something very tightly

  • Sorting and resorting objects 

These are all common fidgety behaviors that people do when they are nervous, anxious, or bored.

They can be subconscious or conscious behaviors, and sometimes people do them without even realizing it. Fidgeting can be a way to relieve stress or to keep from falling asleep, and it can also be a way to stay alert and focused.

Some people find it annoying, but for others, it's simply a habit. Whatever the reason, fidgeting is often a telltale sign of unease or nerves.

How to Read Manipulators in Body Language (hint: look at their non-verbal communication)

Fidgety gestures are common among people who are trying to manipulate a situation.

They may not be aware that they're doing it, but these gestures betray their insecurity and lack of control. By understanding how to read these manipulators, you can get a better sense of what someone is really trying to achieve.

The most important thing to look for is an increase or decrease in these fidgety gestures.

You're looking for a change in the volume or severity of these manipulators. If someone is suddenly fidgeting more than usual, it's a sign that they're feeling uncomfortable or anxious. Alternatively, if someone abruptly stops fidgeting, it could be a sign that they're feeling more confident and in control.

Either way, it's important to pay attention to these changes so you can better understand the person's true intentions.

In addition to watching for changes in fidgeting, you should also take note of the specific gestures that the person is making. Each person is going to display a unique mix of manipulators.

They may even perform certain manipulators in specific situations, and other manipulators in other circumstances. By understanding what these gestures mean, you can get a better sense of what the person is trying to communicate.

What Can You Learn By Watching Manipulators (hint: watch their facial expressions and eye contact)

By watching manipulators, you can learn a lot about a person's inner thoughts and feelings.

This type of body language can be very revealing, and it can often betray what someone is really thinking or feeling. If you're trying to get a sense of whether someone is telling the truth, manipulators can be very helpful.

For example, if someone is fidgeting more than usual, it could be a sign that they're feeling anxious or uncomfortable about the situation, conversation, or people in the area.

It could also mean that they're hiding something or that they're not being entirely truthful.

Of course, you should never make assumptions based on a few body language cues alone. But if you see several different manipulators, it can be a strong indicator that something is up.

How To Use The Information You Gain From Observing Manipulators

You can use the information you gain from observing manipulators in many different ways. In this section, we'll explore several of these ways.

For example, how to use the information from manipulators in your:

  • Family life

  • Friendships

  • Workplace

How To Use Manipulators in Body Language in Family Life

You can use the information you learn from watching manipulators with your family.

If you notice that your child or spouse is suddenly fidgeting more than usual, it might mean that they're feeling anxious or uncomfortable.

You can then try to understand what's making them feel this way and offer support or reassurance as needed.

In addition, if you see specific manipulators that suggest a particular habit or behavior, you can work with your child to help them stop doing those behaviors.

For example, if someone in your family tends to organize their materials obsessively, it could be a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). You can help them seek professional treatment for OCD or look into ways to minimize the effects of their disorder. 

How To Use Manipulators in Body Language in Your Friendships

You can also use the information you learn from manipulators to improve your friendships.

For example, if you notice that your friend is fidgeting more than usual, it might mean that they're feeling nervous or anxious about something.

You can then ask them what's wrong and offer support as needed.

If you see specific manipulators that suggest a particular habit or behavior, it could be a sign that your friend is dealing with a difficult issue.

Additionally, if they're constantly touching their hair or face, it could be a sign of stress or anxiety. If this is the case, you can offer to help them cope with their stress or anxiety in whatever way you can.

How To Use Manipulators in Body Language in the Workplace

Another area where you can apply your manipulator body language information is in your job or career. 

For example, if you're in a meeting and you notice that your boss or coworker is fidgeting more than usual, it could mean that they're feeling anxious or stressed about the meeting.

You can then offer to help them with whatever is causing their stress or anxiety.

In addition, if you see specific manipulators that suggest a particular habit or behavior, it could be a sign that your boss or coworker is dealing with a difficult issue.

For example, if they're constantly touching their hair or face, it could be a sign of stress or anxiety. If this is the case, you can offer to help them cope with their stress or anxiety in whatever way you can.

What are manipulative behaviors?

Manipulation happens when an individual tries to control his or her actions or tries to hide his or her true intentions to avoid accountability. Manipulation tactics, like lying, gaslighting, blame, criticizing, or shaming, are extremely damaging to human wellbeing.

Manipulators in Body Language - Final Thoughts

Hope this helps you understand what to look out for so you can be aware of manipulation when it occurs.


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