#NerdsUnite: 10 Tips To Survive The Mid-Relationship Apocalypse

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There are moments in every relationship that can be classified as "rough patches." We've all been there. But what should you do when you feel like you're in a place where it's more than just a rough patch?

Should you talk to your partner about what's going on? Should you start to distance yourself from them and take time for yourself? Or is it something else entirely?

There are some general guidelines that will help you survive the mid-relationship apocalypse.

What Is the Mid-Relationship Apocalypse (Definition & Examples)

The mid-relationship apocalypse is a time in a relationship where things are not going well. It can be defined as the time period when a couple is struggling, and things are not looking good.

Typically, this occurs in the long middle part of a relationship.

There are typically three stages of the mid-relationship apocalypse:

1) Denial

2) Anger

3) Acceptance

Each stage has its own set of challenges that need to be faced in order to get through the mid-relationship apocalypse successfully.

How To Survive The Denial Stage Of The Mid-Relationship Apocalypse

In the denial stage, it's easy to bury your head in the sand and hope that everything will just go away on its own. But this isn't going to happen. You need to face the reality of the situation head-on.

Some tips for surviving the denial stage:

1) Acknowledge that there is a problem.

2) Stop making excuses for your partner or yourself.

3) Don't try to fix the problem yourself – talk to your partner about it.

4) Don't ignore the signs that things are not going well.

5) Accept that things might not work out and be prepared for the possibility of a break-up.

How To Survive The Anger Stage Of The Mid-Relationship Apocalypse

The anger stage is typically when things start to fall apart. This is when the fights start and tempers flare. It's a very difficult time emotionally and can be very damaging to the relationship.

Some tips for surviving the anger stage:

1) Don't take things personally.

2) Stay calm and don't engage in a fight.

3) Try to understand where your partner is coming from.

4) Don't bottle up your feelings – talk to your partner about them.

5) Take a break if things get too heated.

How To Survive The Acceptance Stage Of The Mid-Relationship Apocalypse

The acceptance stage is the final stage of the mid-relationship apocalypse. This is when you come to terms with the fact that things are not going well and might not work out.

Some tips for surviving the acceptance stage:

1) Don't give up on the relationship without trying to fix it first.

2)  Talk to your partner about the problems you're having.

3) Be honest with each other.

4) Don't try to change your partner – they are who they are.

5) Seek counseling if things are really bad.

Why Is the Relationship Feeling Off?

There are many reasons why a relationship can feel off.

It could be that you're arguing more than usual, or your partner is spending too much time on social media. Maybe you're not talking at all, or they're not being affectionate anymore. Change is inevitable, and every relationship will experience some form of it, but it's important to communicate with each other if the peace within your relationship is threatened.

When you notice that your relationship is off, you are probably ending the denial stage and moving into the anger stage.

How To Survive the Mid-Relationship Apocalypse (10 Tips)

It is in the acceptance stage that you can restore your relationship. But there will be a difficult path through the anger stage.

That's why you need to armor yourself with these ten tips:

Listen to Your Friends

Friends are a great resource when you're going through the mid-relationship apocalypse. They can offer impartial advice, and they'll always be there for you.

When you're going through this tough time, it's important to talk to your friends about what's going on. They can offer support and help you figure out what to

Get a Therapist

Therapy can be a great resource when you're going through the mid-relationship apocalypse. It can help you understand the problem and how to fix it. It can also provide a safe place for you to talk about your feelings and emotions. If things are really bad, then counseling might be a good option for you and your partner

Start Working Out

Working out can help you through the mid-relationship apocalypse by allowing you to release your anger and frustrations. It can also help you to stay calm and focused during this difficult time.

Learn How To Cook Something New

Cooking can help you through the mid-relationship apocalypse by providing a way to make healthy and affordable meals for yourself and your partner. It can also help you to relax and de-stress after a long day.

Take Up a Hobby

Hobbies can help you through the mid-relationship apocalypse by helping you to focus on something other than your relationship. They can also help you to relax and de-stress after a long day.

Find a New Friend Group

What you might need is an entirely new friend group. If your current friends are not supportive of your relationship, then they're not really friends. Find a new group of friends who will be there for you during this difficult time.

Talk to Your Partner

This is probably the most important tip on this list. You need to talk to your partner about what's going on in your relationship. This is the only way to fix the problems you're having.

Find a Higher Mission

When you're feeling down and out, it can be helpful to find a higher mission to focus on. This can be something like volunteering at a homeless shelter or working to get a new law passed. When you have something else to focus on, you'll be less likely to dwell on the problems in your relationship.

Take Care of Your Appearance

When you're feeling down and out, it can be helpful to take care of your appearance. This can include shaving, wearing clean clothes, and styling your hair. When you feel good about how you look, you'll feel better about yourself.

Avoid Negative People

Negative people can bring you down and make the mid-relationship apocalypse even worse. Avoid them as much as possible and surround yourself with positive people who will support you.

When you're going through the mid-relationship apocalypse, it's important to have a support system. These ten tips can help you get through this difficult time.


You may think that you are powerless in the face of a mid-relationship apocalypse. But it is possible to survive. As long as both partners work together and communicate well, then things can often be salvaged.


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