#SDCC: Bye Bye LA, Helllooooo Comic Con! (parties, events, etc)

We interrupt this post to bring you a sex tip PSA from our friends over at LuckyBloke.com: Research tells us you get what you pay for with condoms - free or cheap condoms have been proven to be less pleasurable. 

Whats up nerderinos!

Hope everyone already down there is having a bitchin time - team TNTML is currently en route!!

Tonight, I'll be hitting up the Rob Zombie welcoming party followed by Stan Lee's 80's dance event.

Tomorrow - I'll be kicking it at Wired Cafe all day, followed by the FEARnet fiesta and then the Walking Dead Press Event (winner will be announced tomorrow morning!! Have to notify them via email this afternoon!! ::smiles::)

I'll be rocking my Red Wolf spirithood at night - so if you guys see me bopping around PLEASE come up and say something!! If your eye balls hit this site I'd adore to say thank you for reading!! I mean it too ... I know some of you are shy and then tell me after via twitter ... but fuck that shit!!!!! I don't want to read after that I was "chatting with people" or any of that rubbish!! I. Am. Here. For. You. Guys. So make sure if you see a checkin or anything, you come by if you want to!

Thanks so so much for reading everyone and I can't WAIITTTTT to see more of your faces!!

Peace love and lollipos all! Safe travels and be safe out there!! 



#SDCC: And my date for the #WalkingDead Press event is ... (best and worst entries)


#RealDeal: A New Lemon Rule