#Fact: My comic has been conned



I don't think I have ever been in this much pain. Like for reals, my legs, calves, back, and bones are just ... done. Doner than done - my comic has in fact been conned.


My roomster came down yesterday, and I gave her my pass to run around with today as she has never been to comic con before. Super duper awesome sauce, I'm stoked for her.

Yesterday totally didn't suck. I hung out in the press room all morning and talked fancy pants stuff - followed by getting my d-r-i-n-k on at the Wired lounge.

I was sitting there @replying on twitter and this super cute chiquita banana starts talking to me, commenting on my Spirithood! I was all ... dude, snow leopard - bam, here's my card, we have a discount code on the site if ya wanna get one!

We started talking, I asked her how the con was going for her ... then she mentioned that the Swedish duderino from True Blood was a couple yards away.

You know the Swedish dude, aka the one that looks like this ...

... yeah that one.

OMG mama wants to touch the hiney.

Gimme some of that sugaaaaaaa!!!

Holy fuckerdy, he's hot.

So, I glance over and see him, and tell her that she should totally talk to him. She seemed a bit hesitant so I told her that people respond super well to spirithoods, dudes this shit got me DANCING ON STAGE WITH PRINCE!!!, so why don't we at least try to walk over to him and maybe catch his eye.

We walk over to the special "reserved" UBER vip area, which was roped off and filled with guards - "I'm going to go for it," she said.

Alrite then, let's go! hahahahaahaha she and I literally just walked in. This little nerderino has some serious balls, man.

We stood there for a moment proud of our accomplishment, but the Swed was still the prize - and ooohhhh boy did she have her eye on it.

I glanced down at my phone while summoning up the powers of the spirithood telling her to just do it ... go for it ... as quickly as I turned my head back up, *poof* she was gone, and BAM she walked right up to his table.

I have no idea what they talked about, but I was so impressed with her courage that I snapped a picture
to freeze her epic moment in time ...

Super cute chica. She's in school and wants to be a producer one day. Dude, with balls like that man, I'd hire her in 5 years!!! Wahoo!!! Go Melanie go!!!

So, that happened. And it made my life.

Then, I had dinner with Misti, Michael, my roomie, two other Michaels, this duderino Jay, and @brandillo from twitter. Was super awesome, thumbs up to the Tilted Kilt for having the BEST NACHOS EVER!!!!!

Omg omg omg omg omfg those were epic. Their jalapenos were crisp, not soggy. Major brownie points!

THEENNNNNNNNNNNN ... the roomster and I met up with this duderino from Wired, and a chickadee involved with the TNTML pilot, and other fun stuff. We were all so over the industry BS that we all just wanted to kick it and grab a beer.

Dudes, we had this little window upstairs that we were looking out, and able to people watch. Like literally, while hanging out the window ...



We kicked it til the bar closed, then I was itchin for a doobie. We went back with the Wired duderino to get some potty pot pot, and then my roomie said she was good and wanted to just bounce. Rad! I said, whatevs works ... said bye to the Wired dude, went downstairs and literally ran into a bachelor party. Like hardcore. HAHAHA those guys were SOOO FUCKING RAD!!!!!

They tried busting my balls saying they were from Spain, played soccer aka Football. I totes called bluff after seeing their micro-expressions that weren't confirming what was coming out of their mouth - hahaha highlarious.

They then asked what I did, told them about the site, a little bit about my journey in launching it ... they called my BS, and I said naw man, here's my card. LMK if you ever need anything in social media.

We then peaced in the middle east, and 20 minutes later with LITERALLY the last ounce of my phone juice, I got this email ...


Dudes, I'm so impressed that there was only one typo!! HAHA he MUST be a nerd to be able to type with that kinda accuracy while being that ... gone.

High-larious. Such rad dudes. They asked us to kick it, but I dunno ... there were like 6 of them and 2 of us, me no likey that ratio.

We walked back about a mile to the car, and that my darlings is where we slept. We found a super nice residential area, and plopped our little fannys down for the evening. I told the roomie she could add one more notch to her hardcore belt as being a chick sleeping in a car (here are some tips on how to do it).

AHHHHH I'm not mad at life right now. Comic Con was AWESOME, but I'm definitely ready to head back home - like for really reals reals. If you wanna meet up, I'll be at the Omni hotel in the lobby until about 3, but I warn you - I am going on like 3 hours of sleep for two nights in a row ... I am the physical manifestation of death becomes her.

Nappy mcnapperson time.

AHHHHH!!! I have such a RAD week coming up!!! My new management peeps are sending me out to a whole heap load of networks for "generals" - which is basically where you meet with the suits, tell 'em your spiel, and you see if something clicks.

My story is bat shit, man. As humbly as possible ... but I have a really really really good feeling on this.

Fingers crossed. YAY LIFE!!! =)

Happy Comic Con everyone!!!!!




Soooo ... Whatcha doin???


#NerdsUnite: Confessions of an Unwed Bride