Xyzyx: The Greatest Band in the World

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @maniacalmorgan

Xyzyx is like a Weezer meets Foo Fighters with the stage presence of Spinal Tap. 

Ok, so maaaaaybe I'm exadurating just a bit, but Xyzyx is amazing. They also happen to be friends of mine, but that's besides the point. Or maybe, it's the whole point. ANYWAY, here's the deal. These amazing folks are working on releasing their first EP. That's right, a record! The only thing is that they don't have enough money! They are using Kickstart to try and cover some of the costs and they are already over 2/3 of the way there. Instead of spending $10 on some Natty Ice, donate $10 to help Xyzyx release their EP! Technically, you are pledging to donate money. If they don't reach their $3,000 goal in pledges by Friday, no one gets charged. Also, you get all sorts of goodies when you donate. Check out their kickstart page for details and donations.

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