The #Adventures of @DustyCPollyD

OMMMMMMGGGGGG ... I have been SO excited about this for the last few days, you guys have no idea. I met Dusty and Polly on Twitter on Friday, when they sent me some #FF love. I was all ... wooahh never seen this avatar before, who are these peeps? I then spent the rest of the morning completely absorbed in everything Dusty and Polly. These chicks are INSANE, and this is coming from a legitimate CRAZY PERSON!! BAHHHH!!!

They're coming on board to document their adventures ... which trust, are FUCKING AWESOME! Nerds, I am so so so so so soooooooo proud to introduce to you all Dusty Cooper and Polly Dixon!!!! HIT IT LADIES!

Dusty Cooper and Polly Dixon are from a tiny town in Upstate New York. Dusty moved to Los Angeles two years ago to pursue her dream of becoming a professional writer. Polly moved to Los Angeles from Florida about a year later in search of a fresh start, and they reconnected based on their mutual love of vodka and shared past as the nerdiest of the marching band nerds- woodwinds.

Their interests lie in chronicling their time as single girls in L.A. in the hopes that some of the stupid things they do will be helpful for other single girls. They refer to their adventures with the opposite sex as "blog research” and their favorite dance move is called The Creep.

As a writer, Dusty enjoys reclusive activities such as holing up in her apartment for days on end, alone with her Macbook and several pots of coffee until Polly gets worried and drags her out for a boozefest. She loves social media because she can broadcast her artsy endeavors across the world without actually ever having to interact with a human being (she is very socially awkward). Geeking out on the New York Times crossword puzzle and watching documentaries on public television are her favorite ways to spend her free time.

Polly is engaged in a variety of activities that all fall in to the category of “wildin out”, and loves everything social media related because her secret dream is to be a reality TV star. She’s the definition of social butterfly and if it weren’t for her, Dusty probably wouldn’t have any friends. But don’t let her way with people fool you, Polly is a nerd to the core: if you yell “band ten hut!” in her presence, she’ll snap to attention with a pretend flute in her hands. She enjoys celebrity gossip and chilling at the local watering hole for NFL games.


Due to their brutal honest nature they will be posting under pseudonyms. We can't exactly blow up their spot now, can we? Dude, who's going to protect the identity of the one night stands ... um hello? The Dirty we are not.


Welcome aboard Dusty and Polly!!







#HowTo: Get a $4.30 @Starbucks Latte for $2.20


#TipsForDudes: Take Charge!