The #nerds have spoken ...

Amazing! Thanks guys for all the comments on the #nerdsunite: state of the union. Question, and this is totally sincere - I am not at all trying to come off that way, but does "houseless" sound better? I am not at all trying to poke fun at anyone, or come off as something that I am not. If I did in any way, shape, or form, I will apologize from the depths of my soul. Dude, I'm trying right now to volunteer at a shelter in Hollywood. Very near and dear to my heart, no bullshit. Back in CT, I used to work in a lot of soup kitchens with my church, was an avid supporter of the project Empty Bowls at my old high school, and even befriended a few buddies down in Venice when I slept there last year.

If you guys thumbs up this, I'll totally change it in the About Us section as well, and make a commitment to the site to never use that term again in reference to my situation. That sound rad?

Thanks guys! You're the fluff to my fluffernutter!






Words of Wisdom with Unkie Steve Jobs ...


Weird Al Says ... #WTF?!