#Oscars: Fancy Pants on Day 2!

HOLLLLLYYYYYYYYY mother of a sheep taking in a peep ... I got my night hawk spirithood today.


Dude, this spirithood is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO friggen beautiful. I just ... wow. Speechless. It's soft, delicate, but at the same time really fucking heavy. Like wow - heavy. Didn't expect that part, at all. I can't WAIIITTTTT to show you guys my Oscar dress with it. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. BAH!

So stoked!

No red carpet exploring today. Had an unexpectedly busy day - but for SURE tomorrow morning I'll head over there to see what they're up to. The carpet should be set up for now. Wanna take some cool vids and go exploring. Never know who you're going to bump into!! WAHOOOO!! 5 more days!!



This is happening ...


Dear #Glee ... Where's the storyline morning uh, glory-line?