#BehindTheScenes: Attack of the Show, @aots!

DDUUUDEESSSSSS!!! Just got back home from hanging out all afternoon on set of G4's Attack of the Show with @maniacalmorgan ... and ooohhhh my gatos, do I have a serious scoop for you.


You ready?

You really ready??



Dudes, the people at AOTS are the nicest on the planet. No, for reals - I'm not even playing nice in saying that. They were ABSURDLY kind! At one point, I was expecting to be tucked in with a blanket followed by a glass of milk and a naptime story. AH-MAZING!

They all just have so much fun, and clearly all enjoy working together. Was incredible to watch and be a fly on the wall. Er, a wolf on the wall as I was rocking my Spirithood. HAHAHAAHAHAHA look at this shadow ...

I thought Batman was standing behind me for a hot second. MMMMM Batman boner. That I have to see before I die.

Kevin and Candace were cracking me up before the show. Something about Japan, a hotel, a midget, a comedian with a fetish for home repair that was in love with Sarah. Not quite sure to be honest ... I think there might have been a troll in there somewhere too - haha, not kidding! HIGH-LARIOUS!

It's a closed set, there literally is no audience. Anytime you hear cheering on set, it's the staff.


Totally not kidding.

Chris Jericho was on today's show. I heard the producers say he was very literally one of the nicest guests they have ever had.


Here he is walking onto set ...

SUPPPPERRRRRRRR nice guy! Like seriously, I feel like I'm drinking too much, G4 kool-aid - there's just nothing bad you can say about any of these people. BAH! We got to talk to Chris after the show, and he was so cordial and not at all what one would think from a WWE wrestler, turned rockstar, turned NY Times best selling author. Total trip!

And of course, today being Tuesday - Chris Gore was there.

He is such a wackadoodle noodle! Totally spunky, super energetic, all around genuinely one of the nicest people on the planet. He's a BIG fan of spirithoods, and was all about this weird coagulated goo that you put on your iphone connector when it frays. For the life of me I can't remember, you can't buy it here in the states, but it's like $9 and ships from London. Sugaros or something ... I'll have to tweet him. He literally thought this was the second coming, his excitement was more contagious than herpes on a one toothed hooker.

And here's Ms. Sarah Jean Underwood.

Totally a reunion of sorts since I met her back in 2007 at the Playboy Mansion!

Small world.

And oh yeah how did all of this go down?

Because of twitter!

I started tweeting with @bernardosays once I noticed him following me. (Dude, I read eevveerrrryyyyyy bio, and click evverryyyy blog!) Said what was up, checked out his blog - he had some funny shiznat posted. Then we became Facebook besties through a mutual love of nutella, and THEN he invited me to the G4 holiday party. DUDE! We got stuck in an elevator too! HAHA! He is totally on my zombie apocalypse list!

Rad dude. I love me some Bernardo. He came to my birthday party as well, and I was so schloshed mcgoshed he simply put my present in my spirithood.


Super super super grateful for today! Thanks so much @aots! You all are literally the nicest people on the planet. I just ... yeah ... wow ... life = made.


The nerds, they are uniting! WAHOO!




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