Thank you #socialmedia! I got a dress for the #oscars!!

SOOO!!! The other day, I got the most amazeballs news that I was invited to the oscars. No, like for reals - this is like holy fucking mother of a goat that's taken off his coat while still being able to take a toke type shit. I literally, can't even explain how this is happening. I'm still homeless, and now I'm going to the oscars - talk about a moment of WTF! City bus, FTW!

Here's how it all went down ... I reached out to Spirithoods, per my nerdy buddy Damien suggesting it, and asked if they knew any dress designers, pr firms, anyone, anywhere, that could hook a sistah up! Heard back from the el duderino yesterday, sent his love, and told me he'd put some feelers out. Fast forward 12 hours later, their PR duderino, aka @maniacalmorgan, sends me an IM about something unrelated ... I tell him about the Oscars and he goes, OMG YOU HAVE TO WEAR A SPIRITHOOD! My first reaction was, really? Don't get me wrong, clearly, I am head over heels in love with their product, but I was kinda like, really ... wear my panda to the oscars? It just didn't seem right. Then he goes, we'd like to give you the Nighthawk. HOLY SHIT! I thought, that's PERFECT!!!!

See, I have this very very very very sexy like prolly need security for the way it hugs my body LBD (little black dress). It's crazy formal, and was the ONE dress that I kept on my nerdy adventure of giving everything up that I owned. ONE DRESS I kept ... didn't even think about it though for the oscars since I would need to heavily accessorize it. *INSERT SPIRITHOOD*

My dress is a lot fancier, but this will kinda give you an idea of just the general color scheme ...


This is literally the prettiest spirithood on the planet. I've seen it in person, and it'll blow your mind. It's so ornate, and intricate ... straight up PERFECTION!!

The best part is, that I am still able to be me. Dude, I kid you not, if I was rocking a floor length gown I would still wear my Vans. HAHA! I've done the Hollywood thing before. I've done loads of red carpets, and they're rad for some peeps ... certainly appeased my ego back in the day, but I'm over it. Like incredibly over it. Just SUPPPERRRRRRR stoked to be able to share this experience with you all, AND get to feel more like myself since I'll still get to rock a spirithood.

Wow. Wow. Wow. See! Told you I didn't have to worry! Worrying is such a wasted emotion in life. Things just are, and life just is.

Dude, I'm homeless but not without a home. Broke but not broken ... and getting a whole lot of everything done! Take your passion, and make it happen nerds!!! There could not POSSIBLY be a GREATER time to be alive. Ever. ever. ever. ever. ever. Go build your personal brand!! NOW! Like right right right now.

From the bottom of my HEARRTTTTTT <3


xoxo #nerdsunite

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