#Nerdy Neutrons Presents: #Fated to be #Destiny!

 #talknerdytomelover's @saintpepsi and @ashleighmayes

Ashleigh: Hello, dearest nerdy lovers! Ashleigh here....

Jordan: And your favorite Patron Saint!!!

Ashleigh: Jordan and I have decided to introduce you lucky readers to a concept that we fondly call "Nerdy Neutrons". Care to explain, Jordan?

Jordan: I'm game.  See, as you may know a Neutron is a subatomic particle that is neutral.  So for the most part me, and Ashleigh will be starting out on opposing sides of something, adding a plus or a minus to that neutron.  So let's say my dearest Ashleigh is Positive and I'm Negative.  If she wins the argument or debate, we'll declare the matter a Positron and if I win, we'll add my negative to the debate. It shall be declared an Electron. If neither of us sway the other it stays a Neutron.  Or, if we're just talking about something we agreed on in the first place.

Ashleigh: Yup! That's how it works, yo! So, for your reading pleasure Nerdy Neutrons presents: Fated to be Destiny! Now I'm of the opinion that the Universe is in control. What's your stance, Jordan?

Jordan: Control of what? Giving me a Universal STD called "time" and making sure it kills me??



Control of EVERYTHING! 
I'm guessing you're not on the side of going with the flow. 



Jordan: Nope... unless you are talking about Flo from those insurance commercials! I got a mad crush on her!


Ashleigh: Ha. Wow...I didn't really see her as your type. Anyway...so you believe your fate is in your own hands? Explain, kind sir.


For the most part we make ourselves who we are.  Freedom of choice and all that jazz right.  Every single choice we make guides us down the choose your own adventure story we started back when we first became aware of our own mortality.  Throwing in words like, fate, destiny, soulmate.  That in my mind gives credit to something that really isn't helping you, takes your desire to push yourself away, and limits your options in the field of finding love.


Ashleigh: I disagree. I think that there are plans long before we're even thought of. Hell, WE'RE a plan! I do believe that we have options. I do believe that if we're going to get somewhere, we have to make the choice and do the work to get there. However, I believe that our decision for determination is planned, also. In the field of love, I STRONGLY believe that everyone has a soulmate. That they will, at one point in time, bump into that person in their life. If they act on the feeling or pursue is yet another action with yet another consequence. I naturally push myself. It's part of who I am, but I believe I was destined to have the mindset that I do. Knowing that there's a power or force bigger than yourself, like fate or destiny, gives one hope that everything will be ok. It gives people comfort in knowing that they will be where they're meant to be.


Jordan: Sure, that idea works great! Like Communism. In theory that is.... Giving people hope is the greatest way to placate them. Hope may save people who need only to believe in something for it to come true.  However, hope is just as soul crushing, if not more. Let's say you're right and you do have a soul mate.  What if you already met that person and didn't act on it? I have felt recently that I didn't act on a chance I had years ago with a girl I knew to be right. How about in life?  If there is such a thing as fate... if we do nothing we will reach that place in our lives because we are destined to do it.  We can be as apathetic as we want.  No ma'am I believe in the power of self.  That you make the choices to push you forward to drive you to success.  If anything, the force that has been the greatest asset to me would be my friends and family. They've been honest and loving with me.  Find a fate that treats you like a best friend and is there for you in the darkest hour.  In time that shit goes wrong and you want to blame fate, or God and that friend comes to you and says the most wonderful thing ever. "Sometimes shit happens and there isn't any reason for it."  Now I refuse fate because fate leads to the assumption that horrible things that happen in life happened because that was a persons destiny. 
Also, if I ever lose a friend or a loved one is raped or murdered and someone says its all part of a greater plan I will punch them square in the face.



Ok, Ok. I'll  give it a shot. But before you read on, nerdling, know that I am NOT a bitch!I don't believe that fate is a way to pacify the numbers. I also don't believe that it can even compare to Communism. The difference is that Communism was man-made. Yes...fate may be a concept made by man, but it's a harmless concept that never has one single person at the reigns. Hope may lead to hurt, but what does it lead to in the mean time? I recently just went through a rough time. What kept me going? Hope that everything would be ok. Sure...sometimes things end crappy, but in the meantime, hope was what kept me going and growing and trying new things. Hope helped me to become a better person. What you are concentrating on is the negative. But Jordan, sometimes positive comes from negative. I dated a guy for three years. In the end, he hurt me badly physically. That was a really crappy thing. Was I destined to get hurt like that? I think so, yes. But what did I ultimately get out of it? New friends, a new appreciation for life, a new sense of self-worth, knowledge and experience about relationships, etc. You've got to look at the BIG picture, here. Maybe someone being murdered was meant to happen so that the murderer would be caught before they could have the chance to kill again. I'm not saying I'd see it that way if it was someone close to me, but what if? And what if someone being addicted to hard drugs was meant to happen so that they could clean up and reach out? In the end, if they used their experiences to save two people, don't you think that destiny has worked in the positive, despite the negative that happened?


Jordan: This is why it's fate that I met you Ashleigh.  I swear you are sunshine and rainbows and hope incarnate if I ever saw it.  How can I not believe in hope when I know hope was what pulled me through some of my darkest hours? When certain people I have met in my life have been instrumental in the advancement of my dreams?  You are included in that. Ashleigh. No, I will admit to playing the negative up quite a bit here.  Still, I do believe that many of my choices in life can lead me towards and end goal and that apathy will take me nowhere.  I think we have to actively participate in our fate to meet the true end of the dreams.  It's like those video games that have alternate endings based on how you played.  Sure you get to the same place but how everything ends depends on just how much effort you put in to make yourself into the person you know you are meant to be. With that, my dearest, Asheigh I thank you for fighting, through you have bested me. Till next time we have acquired our first positron.


Ashleigh: So...it's like our beliefs put in a blender? A happy medium? I can work with that.

Jordan: mumbles You're just too cute to argue with.... DAMN YOUR CUTENESS!!!!

Ashleigh: Hahaha. I'm willing to say we've met halfway if you are!

Jordan: I'm game, haha, but I'll still give you the Positron.

Ashleigh: No way! Nobody can really be right or wrong on a personal belief, anyway!

Jordan: True, true. But you swayed this cold heart of mine. My insides are wet from it melting. My lungs had to run to the local quick shop to buy an umbrella. For real. It happened.

Ashleigh: Ooooh, Jordan! Maybe you're just a softie!

Jordan: Shhh.....I've got a rep to keep, you know!

Ashleigh: Hahaha! Well, there you have it, readers! Nerdy Neutrons declares this topic a Neutron! This has been Jordan and Ashleigh! Signing out!

Jordan: Peace! 



Follow us on Twitter, yo!

Ashleigh: @ashleighmayes/@kryptodies and Jordan: @saintpepsi


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