... annndd she moves ... again ...

YAY!! Moving day! Later tonight I'm heading back to Hollywood. See, I don't have a car anymore. Well, let me break that down - technically speaking, the car I paid over $30,000 (bought it brand new, was retarded expensive. never again) for is sitting in the driveway. BUT! I STILL have not paid off my parking tickets, or gotten the car registered in CA - let alone keeping up the insurance. Just is not possible for me right now. I'm all about bending the rules, not flat out breaking the law.

My dad absolutely cracks me up, while back home for a few weeks - he was like, how exactly do you get around? My response, twitter, Dad. All I have to do is tweet ... people just believe in what I do and what I'm about, and they just want to help and be a part of the story.

My dad being a lawyer and a very very very logical human being replied, whatever makes you happy daughter. They're getting it. It's been an incredibly weird year for them watching all of this go down. Can't blame them. I was angry for a while, but you just have to let it go. What good parents in this world would tell you, yes daughter, please - give up everything you've worked for over the years, trash your credit, live off of random people on the internet. Sure, daughter, that sounds GREAT!


Either way, cracks me up ... COMPLETELY illogical ... but I've just been getting so so so much done, it blows my mind. So yahhhh!! That being said, another moving day, need to be in Hollywood to be more centrally located for the next chapter of the story. Being without a car is cool, I have no problem walking ... but not in the Valley. You all saw what happened to me the other day when I tried walking in the Valley DUDE! I'm not a friggen hooker ... oyyy, and I'm not even Jewish.

Moving is always a bit meh for me ... kinda ridiculous to think since I volunteered for this life, but I am still a 26 year old human being who's natural instinct is to be resistant to change ... but who cares. Life is change, adapt or die.

New year ... new chapter. Bring it.



Fun with #OkCupid: Are you FOR REAL??!?!?!


Two #Nerds talk #Boobs!