@maniacalmorgan's job hunt... the happy ending

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @maniacalmorgan


A little over a month ago I decided enough was enough. I was working my dead end retail / customer service job and had been for 4 years. I decided it was time to make a drastic change in my life. It was time to find a new job! Now, as of today, I work for SpiritHoods doing Social Media Marketing and PR. How did this come about? Well, let's revisit this last month.

December 14th, Jen and I had the opportunity to go down to Spirithoods' offices in downtown LA. This is where I got my first glimpse of how awesome the company is, and not just the product. We sat down with one of the owners and were able to learn about the company. They are also fans of talknerdytomelover! Go us! They gave us some extra Spirithoods to go out and document life with. I'm sure you guys have seen plenty of posts of all kinds of people in Spirithoods. That is compliments of those amazing folks at the offices.

Through some hard work and a little sweet talking, Jen and I were able to talk them into interviewing me for a position in social media marketing. The first interview went extremely well. I got an inside peek at how creative everyone from Spirithoods is and how amazing of a work environment it is. On Christmas Eve, I took over Spirithoods Twitter. So, if you've @ replied their Twitter account, you were talking to moi! 

January 5th, I sat down with two of the other owners, including the CEO, for my final interview. We touched on a number of ideas and I was able to get a feel about the direction of where they want everything to go. I was already in love with the company and the brand, but that just sealed it.

My life has changed for the better. I am part of an amazing company with an amazing product. My first day is going to be the 31st. I am like a little kid on caffeine and chocolate the night before going to Disneyland. I have no idea how I'm going to sleep before then. I'll figure it out. I am so very fortunate for this opportunity. I wouldn't call it luck. As Jen would say, there is no luck. It's opportunity meets preparation. Through the power of social media, anything is possible! Get out there and live your life. Be awesome! On behalf of Jen, here is a permission slip to go out and be awesome.


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ProjectThreeSixFive: Day 20


#IAmEnough - My steps toward self-acceptance