#TNTML = Go big, or go home!

I sincerely question every day if this community is completely psychotic or the most FANTASTICALLY FUCKING AWESOME THING ON THE PLLAANNNNEETTTTTT!!!

Omg, I'm having such a good morning. First off, can I just say that it is like 75 and GORRRGEEOUUUSSSS in southern California. For reals ... look at this face ....


Sunshine. Sunshine. Sunshine. Jen = happy happy happy camper.

Alrite, so here's whats up ... I'm not only lifecasting myself, but I have to manage this community AND try to write some sort of manual for the shit that I do.

Lifecasting is a skill. Someone just said to me the other day that I can turn a peanut butter and jelly sandwich into a 5 star meal with my imagination. I have lots of adventures, and I tell good stories. That only happens because I THROOOOWWWWWWWWWWW myself at the world all day everyday. I have no fear. No like literally, I cannot have fear - or you guys would call me out on it. At the same time, it took a solid YEARRRR for me to get to that place, and furthermore its a constant evolution. In a year I'll look back and say wow, can't believe I didn't see this ... blah blah blah.

I knew @JenSquard was stuck in a rut. I didn't know how to tell her, because again, I am learning how to manage lifecasters ... but I am a producer at heart, and I could FEEL that I was only getting 1/10th of the situation going on in her head. Mama no likey that. Here at TNTML it's go big or go home ... radical honesty or bust. The reason isn't for exploitation or any sort of sensationalism ... its because in these places of uncomfort come TREMENDOUS growth. Dude, I am very literally a NEW person. 1 year. It took me ONE year. I lifecasted for a while prior, when I worked for livevideo ... and didn't get HALF of what I've experienced doing it this way. I live in a constant state of uncomfort. Most times in the very physical sense as I am still couch surfing ... hahaha! But for reals, I grew because of the discomfort, and I now need to be able to translate to others how they can do that as well.

I know THROUGH AND THROUGH Jen is awesome ... but she has to see that herself. I was shocked to read that she feels like shes an outsider and what not. Literally shocked! Had no idea! Didn't feel that way at all about her.

My maternal instincts wanted to hug her, while the producer in me wants to sit and watch her exposed. Is that sick and twisted? Or where true art can be found?

I specifically limit a lot of my interactions with Jen. I don't want her leaning on me because I want her to explore in her own space and not just be a "Jen Friel clone." Dude, that would be so effin boring, I'd shoot myself. I don't want to watch that. I push people because I recognize the growth that is available on the other side of the fence. It's not easy ... its hard, its so hard - but keep walking the path. It's SO worth it.

Jen your next mission is to tell us all your fears. Literally ... write them out in a post. You can do one fear a day, whatever ... I don't know how long these things take to address. But I'm pretty sure you have more than a few off the top of your head. That's what I want! So give it up, beyyoootttchhh!!!

Look at this face ... I black out when I am exposed to heights. In this video I scooted out of a plane. Not even jumped ... SCOOTED!!! ... I HAD MY LEGS DANGLING OUTSIDE OF A MOTHER FUCKING PLANE. Get it?

Stop thinking, start doing!

xoxo #nerdsunite



Fun with #Droid AutoCorrect


I'm just feeling #lame.