@FourSquare #Nerd wallpaper FTW!


Per MattersOfGrey.com

Every month we offer desktop wallpapers that are designed to feature a particular typography as well as the calendar month.  In August 2010, we featured a calender titled 4sq. This particular design had the Foursquare Nerd Panel badge in the forefront, and the other badges in the background.  The design was so well received that we decided to make a non-calendar version.

If you are new to Foursquare and are looking for a list of the available badges, and the keys to unlocking them, make sure to visit our Foursquare Badge List.  We also have created a Foursquare Badge Suggestion List, which consists of other badges that we thought would be cool.


AWEESOMMMEEEE!!! I totally have my new desktop background.

Click here to download the high res images.

Dude, everyone makes fun of me for this ... but see if this makes sense to you. I don't have a concept of time. It's horrible, but in this space I work when I'm creative and sleep when my body physically passes out; time becomes irrelevant as the people that I talk to are all around the world.

All that being said, my measurement of time is dependent upon the animals on my desktop. I set it to change every hour, and I know that if I've seen two snow leopards it's time for me to step away from the computer and go for a walk. For real ... 6am, 6pm ... noon, midnight ... all rubbish. But two snow leopards? OOHHH WOW!! Get out of the house, Jen.

Anyone else do this?




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