Fun with #OkCupid: Worst. Email. Ever.

Looky looky the email I just got on OKC ...


There are so many things wrong with this email, I barely even know where to begin. Alrite, alrite ...

1. You have a picture up. Why are you sitting there and writing out the description of yourself when my eyeballs have already clearly absorbed your presence. Really?? Is this yahoo chat circa 1999? A/S/L?

2. Vegas?? I'm in LA?? How is that happening? Does the military have a teleportation prototype that I was unaware of? Cause for reals ... that would be rad.

3. Since moving there you've been doing a lot of thinking? Really? What were you doing before?

4. "I wrote in this text to interest you ..." WTF does that mean?!?! And dude, really? I know how to send an email back - I have been doing my thinking for longer than a day or so.

5. Retiring at 31? Or just retiring from the military at 31? Cause for reals ... you would be a terribly bored human being playing shuffleboard at Del Boca Vista for the next 50 years.

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