#StarWars #3D

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @maniacalmorgan



I guess it was just a matter of time before Lucas went through with it. It has been officially announced that the Star Wars franchise will be moving into 3D land. Starting with Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace in 2012, each film will be released every year thereafter. With most movies coming out these days in 3D, this was a smart and seemingly smart move on Lucas' part. After Avatar did so well in theaters, Lucas made the decision to go through and push his work into the 3D realm.


I understand that a lot of people are purists when it comes to Star Wars, but I'm excited to see this change. Sure it's a smart financial decision, but you have to be excited to see what Lucas can do with it. I'll be there to see Episode 1 when it comes out on 3D. check out what some of the harsher people are saying on HollywoodReporter.com...


Never have I seen something so amazing be systematically destroyed. Much like seeing Anakin become Vader. Each limb once filled with life, replaced with a soulless and cold appendage. It is hard to derive joy from a convoluted message warped by a man so far removed from the pulse of what made Star Wars great. Who are his "yes men" and how can they sleep at night? I don't need to see bad acting in 3D. Oh boy, here comes Anakin's love affair with Padmé in 3D! Lipstick on a turd.


Here's another.


You know, my daughter Molly will draw a picture and Mommy and Daddy will say how much we love it. She'll then take it back after giving it to us to enjoy and add more hearts and flowers to it. We'll tell her it's fine and we love it, but she'll take it back again and draw more stuff on it until it is a jumbled mess of flowers and hearts and you cannot see the original picture anymore. The difference here is that Molly is four years old and isn't a billionaire.


Pretty harsh. What are your feelings? Feel free to email me at  Morgan@talknerdytomelover.com  or drop me a line on Twitter @maniacalmorgan and discuss your opinions. The only thing I love more than Star Wars is... uhhh... lemme get back to you on that.



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