Digital Reading: The epitome of #nerdness

I am like totally having a nerdgasm ... and I just can't hide it. @mikeyil sent me the book Textual Healing by the one and only @ericsmithrocks. Kosher, right? Well, it's also the first book I've ever read entirely on my iPad ANNNDDDDD I can interact and engage in real time with the author on both Twitter and Facebook. 


I am not even kidding you when I say this is the COOLEST thing ever. I love reading. Like love love love love love it. But I'm a minimalist. I can't staaanndddd lugging books around; print books are just too cumbersome. However, I never thought I'd be able to trade that personal experience of you and a book for anything digital. I've never owned a nook or kindle out of sheer protest. The iPad came about via a client, so it just sort of fell into my life.

I love making notes in a book, dog earring the pages, the smell ... totally intoxicating. Never ever eevverrr thought in a million years I'd be willing to trade that in.

OHHH never say nevvveerrrrrr!! I take my iPad with me almost anywhere ... which means I have Textual Healing with me anywhere. It's just so awesome ... I have no words. This is HANDS DOWN the greatest time to be alive. Think of too, how many times you've read something in a book - and had all these questions. You no longer have to wait for the book club, or for your slow ass friend to catch up to your pace. YOU CAN JUST TWEET THE AUTHOR!! ARE YOU KIDDING?!??!!

Life. Me. Love.


Click here to read more about Textual Healing (dude! LOVE this book!)


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