#NerdsUnite for #NetNeutrality

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @SaintPepsi

This is it folks our entire existence as a social media society could come crashing down tomorrow if the FCC doesn't put into place rules so major internet and mobile service providers can't get access to better internet because they have the money to. Blogs and small ideas with big hopes and dreams that are gaining popularity could be starved of decent internet feeds to prolong the money making schemes these corporate giants would put in place. 


Think of how crippled the whole oil system is with the car companies buying up patents on any real energy conserving ideas so gas stays the system of travel when we could have so easily evolved into a green society years ago. This is much the same for the internet. This whole process has been back and forth and the blame has been shifted from the FCC to major corporations like Verizon and Comcast for pursuing the FCC to adopt legislature to allow them to control what we can do with the internet. Right now! TODAY! Could be the end of that freedom. The freedom that allows us to pay for a certain bandwidth and get that same bandwidth usage at all sites.  Not just the big sites that pay to have their sites load faster. So sites that are gaining popularity would have to be bought out first by larger corporations so they could gain access to the better internet and not be stuck in the slow loading area.  I know I get annoyed when a site takes like 3 seconds to download.  I paid extra for really fast interwebs.  So I think that I should be able to surf the internet I paid for to go to whatever sites I like. If I want to go and run around on thechive.com or Talknerdytomelover's site it should load just as fast.  I mean I'm already unhappy about all the ads they have randomly stuck into all streaming video areas. I don't mind so much on blogs because I can choose to only look at the content but when I'm watching a you tube video and I'm forced to watch a movie about car insurance.  Not something I thought was necessary for my viewing pleasure.  So needless to say the more big corporations get involved the more the internet would become like TV where you are basically paying for one or two channels but are forced into a package with 898 other ones that you don't watch. I don't want to have to pay more to see less. I want to keep the undeniably awesomeness that is what the internet has become.


The fact that you can see anything and be a part of everything anyone's minds could conceive ... all at the touch of a mouse.  

Keep a close eye on this if it goes towards the general public's desire for a free open internet with the restrictions on big business we might see a drastic drop in price and a boom of even more ideas from young minds with a desire to make waves in the world.  If they get what they want and break the current system; it will be corporate censorship.  We as a free democracy can't have that.  We need this freedom that the internet gives the last vestige of an already over explored universe.  Only the internet has truly allowed every american a voice. Even if no one is listening. So for those of you who are listening make sure you pressure the people in positions of elected power to do the right thing and vote in a real ruling for net neutrality.

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