#YouAreAwesome Cards - A daily reminder

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @JenSquard

My Mom's been kind of bummed out lately.  She was in a car accident 2 years ago that left her damaged, and the courts just now settled, but her neck will always be messed up.  She has a great guy, but the same issues from my dad that screwed me up, screwed her up, too.  She never feels like she is sexy or that she deserves his devotion.  So I'm taking matters into my own hands! 

I think we all need these affirmations from time to time.  So I'm going to hide these all over her house and let the universe lead them to her when she needs them.  And if you need them for someone you know, or for yourself, here they are! 

Download YouAreAwesome cards HERE.

Print them off, cut them out, and use them!  Hang them up, hide them for later, whatever it takes.  We are all flippin awesome, and it is time to remember that.  So here is today's permission slip to be unapologetically awesome.  Use it.

Find me on Twitter and share the love!

While you're at it, drop my mom a line and tell her she's awesome!


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